Hospital-Based Support
Research shows that continuous one-on-one labor and delivery support significantly decreases cesareans and improves birth outcomes. Everyone can benefit from this support, not just those having an out of hospital birth. For those who are planning a hospital birth, I offer doula and monitrice services to provide this same level of one-on-one care.
What is a doula?

What is a monitrice?

What does prenatal support include?

What does labor support include?

Monitrice Labor Support
As your monitrice, I will join you at home when you are ready for support. Once I arrive, I will monitor your vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, and temperature, listen to your baby’s heart rate with a handheld Doppler, and perform vaginal exams if requested to determine progress. This allows you to feel safe and comfortable laboring at home without worrying that you will get to the hospital too early or too late in labor. As a midwife, I am trained in normal and abnormal signs in labor; if complications develop, we can immediately head to the hospital.
Throughout your labor, I will also help you with comfort measures, including hands-on support such as help with position changes; massage; use of my TENS unit, birth ball, and rebozo; hot and cold therapy; water therapy; and more. I am also skilled with hands-off techniques such as HypnoBabies; general meditation and visualization; and even just being a quiet, supportive presence in the room. You may draw on my midwifery education for insight on the process of labor, unbiased information on various medications and procedures, or simply for reassurance that you are doing a great job!
Once we arrive at the hospital, I will continue to support you as a doula until after your baby has been born and you are settled in and breastfeeding well.
Doula Support

I take a limited number of clients each month to ensure I can provide the level of support you deserve in labor. Backup doulas and monitrices are always available in the event that I am sick or if any other emergency prevents me from attending your birth.
What does care after birth look like?

Hospital Birth Support Only

Doula Support

- Access to Rachel by phone, email, or text throughout your pregnancy.
- Use of lending library and lists of classes, providers, and resources.
- Two prenatal sessions in your own home or my office reviewing hospital policies, common procedures, comfort measures for labor, and fetal positioning, among other topics.
- A custom birth plan based on your individual needs and desires.
- On-call phone support in labor.
- In-person hospital support from whenever you request my presence until after your baby is born.
- Use of my birth ball, TENS unit, and rebozo in labor.
- A wide variety of comfort measures and other forms of non-clinical support, depending on your needs in labor.
- Help with breastfeeding immediately after birth.
- One home postpartum visit to assist with breastfeeding, discuss your birth, and help you access any resources you may need.
Monitrice Labor Support
- Access to Rachel by phone, email, or text throughout your pregnancy.
- Use of lending library and lists of classes, providers, and resources.
- Two prenatal sessions in your own home or my office reviewing hospital policies, common procedures, comfort measures for labor, and fetal positioning, among other topics.
- Clinical checkups at your two prenatal visits to establish your level of risk and become familiar with you and your baby’s normal vital signs.
- A custom birth plan based on your individual needs and desires.
- On-call phone support in labor.
- In-person support at home from whenever you request my presence until you go to the hospital, and at the hospital until after your baby is born.
- Clinical monitoring of you and your baby while at home, including: monitoring of your blood pressure, pulse, and temperature; monitoring of your baby’s heart rate via handheld Doppler; and cervical exams as requested.
- Use of my birth ball, TENS unit, and rebozo in labor.
- A wide variety of comfort measures and other forms of non-clinical support, depending on your needs in labor.
- Help with breastfeeding immediately after birth.
- One home midwifery postpartum visit to assess for any risk factors, discuss common areas of concern, assist with breastfeeding, discuss your birth, and help you access any resources you may need.